
We’re here to provide a full range of dental services and help you get the care you need.


General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is an important part of overall health and wellness. We provide services that help individuals avoid costly and painful dental procedures, as well as improving their overall health. Regular visits to our office for checkups and cleanings can significantly reduce the risk of developing expensive and costly dental problems.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

Dental Emergency

If you experience a dental emergency, be sure to call our practice as soon as possible. If you need immediate attention after hours, call our emergency phone number, and our on-call staff member will help you. In an extreme emergency, please go to a hospital emergency room.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Dentures are used to replace missing teeth and can be taken out and put back into your mouth. There are generally two types of dentures available: complete dentures and partial dentures. The type that is needed can be determined by your dentist.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Tooth fillings are quickly becoming the standard procedure to treat cavities. When compared to traditional metal (amalgam) fillings, tooth-colored fillings offer more natural-looking results.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

Root Canals

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. Root canal procedures are performed when the nerve of the tooth becomes infected or the pulp becomes damaged.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

Cleanings, Comprehensive Exams, X-rays & cancer screening

Our comprehensive exams provide a comprehensive evaluation of your dental health, allowing us to identify and address any potential issues early on. During the exam, our experienced dentists thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, jaw, and overall oral structures.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


A tooth extraction is a dental procedure in which a tooth is removed from its socket in the jawbone. It is typically performed when a tooth is severely damaged, decayed, or causing overcrowding. The dentist or oral surgeon numbs the area, extracts the tooth using specialized tools, and may provide instructions for aftercare and potential tooth replacement options.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

Night Guards

Nightguards are custom-made oral appliances designed to alleviate the effects of teeth grinding and clenching during sleep, also known as bruxism. These durable and comfortable guards create a protective barrier, preventing excessive wear and damage to your teeth. By wearing a nightguard, you can experience a more restful sleep while safeguarding your dental health.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

Sports Guards

Sports guards, also known as mouthguards or athletic mouth protectors, are dental appliances designed to protect the teeth, gums, lips, and tongue from impact during sports or other physical activities. They are an essential piece of equipment for athletes of all ages and skill levels who participate in contact or collision sports.

Cosmetic Dentistry:

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Dental Implants offer permanent solutions to missing teeth, enabling you to enjoy your favorite foods and activities with greater freedom of movement and control. Not only do they look like your own teeth, but our implants also feel just like natural teeth - providing a reliable, long term solution for those missing one or more of their teeth.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Our dental crowns provide strength and durability to protect vulnerable teeth from further deterioration. With the perfect combination of beauty & strength, our crowns can help keep your smile healthy for years to come.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Among the most versatile of dental treatments, dental crowns restore both the aesthetics and the functionality of teeth that have been weakened, cracked, or otherwise damaged.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment that can help improve the appearance of your smile. They are thin, custom-made shells made of medical-grade ceramic that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth to improve their size, shape, color, and alignment.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

Whitening Kits

Professional-grade whitening kits include custom-fitted trays and professional-strength whitening gel, allowing you to safely and easily brighten your teeth at your own pace. Whether you have stains from coffee, wine, or aging, our take-home whitening kits offer a simple and reliable solution to enhance the beauty of your smile.


General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.

3-D CT X-Ray

Our state-of-the-art 3-D CT X-ray technology allows us to capture highly detailed and comprehensive images of your teeth, jawbone, and surrounding structures. With this advanced imaging technique, we can obtain a three-dimensional view of your oral anatomy, enabling us to diagnose and plan treatments with exceptional precision.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Traditional braces is an orthodontic treatment that effectively straightens teeth and corrects various dental alignment issues. These braces consist of metal brackets and wires that work together to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Straighten your teeth the invisible way. This is the alternative to the traditional style of braces. They are easy to clean, soft and flexible, and practically invisible. You can also eat whatever you want with this method.

General Dentistry - best care with the friendliest smiles.


Retainers are essential orthodontic appliances that help maintain the results of your orthodontic treatment. Once your braces are removed, retainers ensure that your teeth remain in their corrected positions, preventing any unwanted shifting.